A growing family of faith in Forsyth County
CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH in Cumming, Georgia, is a vibrant, welcoming congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Established in 1990, Christ the King has seen steady growth in the past 30+ years, with members coming from all parts of the country and from all walks of life.
As a Christ-centered community of believers, servants and doers who use our hands to do God’s work, we provide ministry to all ages to compliment the wide age spectrum of our members and the diversity of our community. We serve others, share God’s grace with all, grow our knowledge and faith in Jesus Christ, and care for one another in Christian community.
Our mission is simple and clear: Proclaim the story of God’s saving grace through Jesus Christ to all people in word and deed. We invite you to come be part of our life together and join us as we strive to Glorify God – Spread the Word – Love One Another.
If you have questions about the Lutheran church, we invite you to read WHAT IS A LUTHERAN and MISSION, BELIEFS & VALUES.
New to the area and our congregation? Please look through the I’M NEW HERE section to familiarize yourself with our worship schedule and church campus.