Christ the King is involved in a variety of outreach ministries allowing you to serve the Lord!
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” Matthew 25:35-36
Outreach Ministry
The Outreach Ministry mission is to help and support those in need in our community. Outreach provides financial assistance to individuals and supports community organizations involved in providing food, clothing, shelter to those in our community in need, rehabilitation to wounded veterans and human trafficking victims, and Christmas gifts to needy children.

Next Host Week:
May 25-31, 2025
We always need volunteers to stay with the families during the day and at night, and people to provide the evening meals for the families during the hosting week.
SIGN-UP GENIUS will be live a couple of weeks before the next hosting week. When live, click on the button below to go to the CTK Sign-Up Genius.
Make a difference in the lives of homeless Forsyth families.
NEXT HOST WEEK: May 25-31, 2025
Volunteers will be needed to prepare and serve meals; serve as evening hosts to play and mentor the children; and as overnight hosts to assist the families if needed and help get them going in the morning.
SIGN-UP GENIUS will be live a couple of weeks prior to our next host week. There you will be able to pick your activity, date and time for volunteering your help. Join up with a friend. Simply click the button on the left and you will be taken to the website to sign up.
We always need donations for breakfast, lunch, fruit, and snacks. Please help replenish our pantry by donating Walmart, Publix or Target gift cards. Purchase them at the Scrip table in the fellowship hall on Sunday mornings and pay down the church mortgage at the same time!
Family Promise Volunteer Orientation & Training is offered monthly at the Family Promise day center located at 3335 Hutchinson Road, Suite D, Cumming. You will need to go through this orientation and training along with getting a background check done if you want to volunteer to interact with the families or be an overnight host. If you are interested in volunteering and have not received the training, please contact Lu Leeds.
You DO NOT need training or a background check to supply meals.
CTK Family Promise Coordinator: Lu Leeds |
Outreach Ministry sponsors many programs, projects and special events throughout the year offering numerous opportunities for congregational members involvement in supporting community charitable organizations such as:
- Fill Ministries – Provides food for the hungry through its “Meals by Grace” and several innovative programs.
- Food for Thought Project – Provide an easy way for individuals to donate food to food banks and soup kitchens through their “orange bag program.”
- Forsyth County Family Promise – Participation as a sponsor congregation in providing temporary housing for homeless families.
- Forsyth County’s “The Place” – Collect food for the food pantry and volunteer help.
- Jesse’s House – Safe, temporary youth shelter home for teenagers in Forsyth County until more permanent housing can be provided.
- Team River Runners – Support returning veterans who have sustained physical and mental injuries by providing them confidence-building activities through river kayaking.
- Wellspring Living – Initiative to End Minor Domestic Human Trafficking
- Whispering Hope Women’s Resource and Pregnancy Center – Offers compassion, hope, and help to anyone vulnerable to abortion by providing life affirming alternatives and support and by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- No Longer Bound – Long term, residential, faith-based program for men battling addiction.
- Bald Ridge Lodge –Residential group home for boys age 12 to 21 facing adversity preventing them from living at home.
- Angels Over Forsyth – Provide Christmas gifts for local community foster children.
Outreach Ministry Coordinator: Mike Myers | 678-455-0814
Evangelism Ministry
Evangelism and spreading the gospel through community goodwill is the responsibility of everyone at Christ the King. The Evangelism Ministry works to find meaningful and innovative ways to do this within our immediate community.
A community outreach project that spreads goodwill to our preschool and nearby school teachers by periodically bringing them cookies, coffee and needed school supplies. Everyone is welcome to assist with deliveries or help financially as we connect with the community around us.
Evangelism Ministry Coordinator: Cathy Beard | 770-407-9207
Women’s Ministry
The Women’s Ministry at Christ the King is active and varied in its programs. Two of the circles meet regularly to use their talents to provide needed quilts and knitted items.
Women’s Ministsry Coordinator: Sue Hallman | 470-297-3098
The Lydia Circle meets each Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. for knitting and fellowship. They often knit caps for newborns and Prayer Shawls for the home-bound. Don’t know how to knit? They will teach you!
Information: Terrie Schiefelbein | 678-634-7215
This energetic group of women meet monthly to assemble and sew simple mission quilts for Lutheran World Relief distribution worldwide. No sewing skills are needed to volunteer your help.
Information: Cathie Gibbons | 678-923-2964
Early in December, bakers in the congregation are asked to donate homemade cookies and treats for the Women’s Ministry Annual Christmas Cookie Bake Sale. Proceeds are used to support various outreach programs of the Women’s Ministry.
Christmas Cookie Sale Coordinator: Erin Cicconne & Jessica Younghouse
Youth Ministry
Each year the youth help our community by providing food drives, treats for troops, and Christmas boxes of sundry items for needy youth. The kids constantly stay involved with church activities such as Oktoberfest, the Easter egg hunt, Lenten dinners, a dedicated youth worship service and supporting events sponsored by other church groups. We welcome everyone’s involvement!
Each September on God’s Work. Our Hands. Sunday, the youth and congregation donate non-perishable snacks to assemble goodie bags for distribution as a “Thank You” to our community’s police and firefighter first responders.
The youth of Christ the King Lutheran are continuously involved in community service, serving the church, social interaction and self reflection. Students perform fundraising activities like car washes, babysitting and helping with special events to earn money for annual summer camp trips to Lutheridge, Lutherock or Lutheranch. They also participate in intrafaith activities such as the All Georgia Youth Gathering.
Youth Coordinator: Debbie Scarazzo | 770-889-5328