There are many opportunities within our congregation for fellowship and service to one another.
“Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given us.” Romans 12:4-6
Stephen Ministry

In reinstating this valuable ministry at Christ the King, current Stephen Ministers will be training another class of Stephen Ministers starting in September. Stephen Ministers work alongside our pastor to care, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support to people who are going through a difficult time, such as divorce, grief, hospitalization, unemployment, terminal illness, relocation, chronic illness, or loneliness. If you have gifts for listening and encouragement, please begin to prayerfully consider whether you might want to be part of this exciting ministry as a Stephen Minister.
Stephen Ministry Contact: Michele Luthart | 678-462-9129
Caring Teams & Eucharistic Shepherds
The Caring Teams Ministry motto is “We Care” because we respond to our members who are in need of a home-cooked meal when they are ill, and to also provide support to grieving families during funeral receptions. There are six ministry teams responsible for two months per year.
Caring Team Coordinator:
This important ministry provides Holy Eucharist to our home-bound members when the Pastor cannot visit. The ministry consists of teams of two persons who visit the homes and assisted-living apartments of our home-bound members when requested.
Shepherds Coordinators: Edith Vetten | 770-886-0627
Seeing a need to reach out to Christ the King members, this goodwill card ministry seeks to spread a little sunshine to our members with birthday, get-well, and uplifting greeting cards. Notes of concern and prayer are sent to members whose names appear on the weekly prayer list. During the Christmas and Easter holidays, ‘goody’ gift bags are also delivered to homebound members, if their facility allows a visit.
Sunshine Ministry Coordinator: Mary Ann Wojtysiak | 714-801-7407
Stewardship & Scrip Program
The mission of the Stewardship Ministry is to help God’s people at Christ the King grow in their relationship with God through the generous use of the time, talent, gifts, finances and blessings God has entrusted to them. The Stewardship Team is focused on providing spiritual enrichment messages throughout the year to help members understand the gifts that God has so graciously provided, highlight opportunities to share these gifts, and develop the desire to give back to God in helping others. We encourage the participation of all our members to share their gifts of time, talent and treasure.
Stewardship Ministry Coordinator: Jack Schlea | 470-253-7290
Now in its 14th year, the Scrip program sells gift cards of which the church gets a small percentage of each card sold. The money we get from this program goes directly to mortgage debt reduction. The team always needs volunteers to man the tables on Sunday morning and help with the program bookkeeping.
Scrip Coordinator: Scott Younghouse | 770-888-1841
Property Upkeep Ministry
The Property Team oversees the upkeep and minor repair of the physical building. The team can always use the help of any member who wants to volunteer their time.
Property Team Coordinator:
The Landscape & Grounds Team maintains the lovely appearance of our church grounds. About four times a year, a “Saturday Workday” is held where member volunteers get together for a few hours and tackle some of the seasonal landscape tasks such as weeding, mulching and pruning. Also individuals and groups of volunteers can “adopt” a particular area of the property, such as the Rose Garden, to maintain by periodically weeding and watering. It’s a great way to get exercise and fellowship in an outdoor setting.
Landscape Team Coordinator: Amy Barish | 770-889-3072
Social & Fellowship Groups
J.O.Y (Just Older Youth)
Our adult/senior group gets together every few months for social and fellowship activities. Some of the activities this group has sponsored were a trip to Gibbs Gardens, a football themed “Kickoff” lunch, an art show excursion, a Christmas progressive dinner. Check the Newsletter and Upcoming Events page for new J.O.Y. activities. The group is always looking for members to serve on their event planning team.