General Information
The Purpose of Christ the King Lutheran Preschool is to provide a quality social and educational experience in a safe, warm, and loving Christian environment. We believe in educating the whole child. We use a variety of enrichment activities, games and materials to create an atmosphere which fosters your child’s intellectual, social, emotional, physical, cognitive and spiritual development.
Our Preschool strives to provide a quality educational experience in a warm, loving, Christian environment. We believe social, emotional, physical, cognitive, and spiritual growth should take place with a balance in each area. Enrichment activities, games, and manipulatives will be provided. Circle time is an important part of each day. Each child will be given the opportunity to grow at his or her own pace. We will provide an opportunity for your child to learn through their play with a balance of self-discovery and teacher-directed activities.
School Hours
The Preschool hours are 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. When Forsyth County Schools have Early Release Days, Preschool hours are 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. We utilize a morning and afternoon carpool to bring children in and out of the school.
School Calendar
Christ the King Lutheran Preschool is in Forsyth County; therefore our school days will be similar to the Forsyth County Public School System. When there is a Forsyth County School holiday we will be closed. Our school year begins one week prior to Labor Day and ends in mid-May. In case of bad weather, we will close whenever Forsyth County Schools close. We do not make up inclement weather days. Please check your local radio station, or when severe weather occurs.
Preschool Tours
Tours of the facility will be held by appointment for new students and families. The Director will cover the following topics during the tours: the preschool facility, history and philosophy, the staff, age level curriculum, the special activities offered, policies concerning sickness, and the bathroom training policy. If you plan to attend a tour, make a list of questions that you would like to have answered. This will ensure you don’t forget any important details.
Outside Time
All classes play outside on a daily basis weather permitting. Recess is held indoors when the weather prohibits outdoor play.
Children are responsible for bringing a “healthy” lunch and snack each day.
Children who are walking through five years are taught a theme-based age appropriate curriculum. Children learn through circle time, play centers, projects and specials offered through the preschool. The landscape of education is ever-changing and we evaluate curriculum and lessons annually to stay current with the educational standards required once in elementary school. Our goal is to prepare children with the academic and social skills to be successful in addition to building the independence needed in a classroom setting. We also feel that a balanced day is important for children so they will have many opportunities during the day to “just be a kid”.
Your child will experience Music and Movement in the classroom with their teacher once a week, learning a wonderful mix of songs. Throughout the year we have special visits from Mother Goose, our local Fire Engine and other special visitors. The children love having guest visitors come into their Preschool and classrooms.
Christian Education
We seek to integrate a spiritual and Christian dimension in all areas of learning. Your child will have Chapel weekly in which they are taught Old and New Testament Bible stories, prayer and Bible songs.
Our Teachers
Many of our teachers have been with the preschool for many years and have or have had children in this program. Teachers are hired based on their work experience and recommendations and have often served as substitute teachers before joining the staff. Teachers are required to have CPR and first aid training and take continuing education classes each year. We conduct background checks on all teachers.
Special Needs
Without prior consent of the Director or the Preschool Board, the preschool cannot accommodate any child having a physical, mental, or emotional condition which requires special supervision, handling, or which requires the dedication of special facilities for the child. If a special need becomes apparent during the school year, the Preschool may need to ask the parents to withdraw their child. Parents are expected to notify the staff of specific allergy or food restrictions. This information should always be included on registration forms and discussed prior to the beginning of school with your child’s teacher.
Bathroom Policy
Two-year-olds will have their diapers changed as needed. All children enrolled in our threes must be potty trained. All children enrolled in our fours classes must be totally independent in all areas of bathroom use (clothing, wiping, flushing, hand washing, and cleanliness of the bathroom). There are NO exceptions to this policy. There will be no refunds for registration fee or tuition if your child is not potty trained by the first day of school.
Preschool Contact Information
Melissa Moorman, Preschool Director
Phone: 678-513-4338
Address: Christ the King Lutheran Preschool
1125 Bettis-Tribble Gap Rd. | Cumming, GA 30040
Christ the King Lutheran Preschool of Cumming, Inc. is a non-discriminatory school. We accept children without regard to sex, race, creed, color, or national origin.
CTK Preschool Board of Directors
Sigrid Myers, Benita Gibbons, Mary Koegler, Bob Buck, Bonnie Scarce, Mark Zarnynoff, Rev. J. Patrick Finley