Registration Information
We are excited your family is considering Christ the King Lutheran Preschool for your child’s preschool experience. We sincerely hope this information will answer many of your questions concerning our Preschool.
Our Preschool hours are:
9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Monday – Friday.
We offer the following classes:
Two-year-olds: 3 or 5 days per week
Three-year-olds: 3 or 5 days per week
Pre-K and four-year-olds: 4 or 5 days per week
Mother’s Morning Out: 2 days per week
2025-2026 Registration for Currently Enrolled Families & Christ the King Church Member Families
Complete the Registration Form indicating your first two class choices. Place the form in the envelope provided, along with your check (made payable to “CTK Preschool”) for the amount of the registration fee for your first choice class. If you are registering more than one child, please put all forms and your check in the same envelope. Registration Forms will not be accepted without the accompanying payment of the appropriate registration fee. Send the registration envelope in your child’s communication folder or place it in the box outside the Preschool Coordinator’s office no later than the following date:
Monday, January 13, 2025, due for Christ the King Church Members and currently enrolled Christ the King Preschool Families
Registration envelopes will be numbered as they are received, and children will be placed in classes in order of which they are received. You will be given a receipt and notified of your child’s class placement. Checks for registration fees will be deposited at that time. Registration fees are non-refundable.
2025-2026 Registration for New Families
Registration Process for New Families: Public registration will begin on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. You may download a REGISTRATION FORM here and fill it out completely, indicating your first two class choices. The Preschool reserves the right to withdraw a child from the program if the information provided is incorrect. Place the form in an envelope along with your check made payable to “CTK Preschool” for the amount of the registration fee for your first choice class. If you are registering more than one child, please put all forms and your check in the same envelope. Registration Forms will not be accepted without the accompanying payment of the appropriate registration fee. We accept only checks for the NON-REFUNDABLE registration fee.
You may either bring the envelope to the Preschool or mail it to us. The Preschool Office is open Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. for parents to come in and register. Please note that we follow the Forsyth Co. Schools calendar regarding days closed as well as inclement weather. All registration fees must be paid in cash or by check only. In order to complete the registration process and confirm a spot, we must have a completed Registration Form and full registration payment at the time of registration. Envelopes will be numbered as they are received. If the class of first choice you desire for your child is full, your child will be registered for your second choice class and his or her name will be put on the waiting list for your first choice class. An email confirmation will be sent to you, and you will be notified of your child’s class placement.
Waiting List
When a space is not available for your child in your first choice class and your child is enrolled in your second choice class, your child’s name will be placed on the waiting list for your first choice class. Currently enrolled children take priority over non-enrolled children on the waiting list.
You will be called as soon as a space is available and allowed 24 hours to notify us before we offer the space to someone else. If your phone number changes while you are waiting to hear from us, please let us know.
If our classes are full, we are happy to place your child’s name on any of our waiting lists. You can do that over the telephone at 678-513-4338
Fees and Discounts
Registration fees vary depending on the number of days per week the class meets. The payment of this fee is required to secure a space in a class. These fees are due at the time of registration. Registration fees are not refundable under any circumstance. Registration fees are used to cover the following expenses: administrative, building, training, furniture and education supplies. Registration fees are not refundable under any circumstance. Our school does not charge a separate supply or activity fee. The registration fee is all-inclusive.
A 10% sibling tuition discount for two or more children registered is available.
Tuition discounts are available to Christ the King Lutheran Church members only. A $20 discount per month per child is available to church members.
All tuition payments made to the preschool should be made payable to “CTK Preschool” by check or money order. Cash payments are also accepted for tuition, and a receipt will be sent home for cash payments.
Tuition Payment Schedule School Year 2025-2026
September 2025 tuition is due August 1, 2025. All remaining tuition fees are paid one month in advance. Should a student need to withdraw, we require 30 days written notice. These fees serve as the required notice and therefore are non-refundable once paid to the Preschool. The October tuition is due before your child begins school in September. November tuition is due October 1, December tuition is due November 1, and so on. Therefore, your final tuition payment for the year will be made on April 1, 2026.
After reading this information carefully, if you still have questions please feel free to call the Preschool office at 678-513-4338.
Thank you for your interest in Christ the King Lutheran Preschool.