Dear Friends in the Risen Lord Jesus Christ
Christ the King Lutheran Church is a welcoming congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) – Southeastern Synod. Established in 1990, CTK has grown to over 600 members, having come here from all parts of the United States and all walks of life. We have a wide age spectrum and provide ministry to all ages. We worship in both traditional and contemporary styles using various worship resources, including Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW) and Lutheran Book of Worship (LBW). Holy Eucharist is celebrated every Sunday at both services. Our mission is simple and clear: Glorify God, spread the Word, and love one another, proclaiming the story of Jesus to all people in word and deed. We invite you to come be a part of this exciting venture where you will find a family of love and caring.
Yours in Christ.
The Rev. J. Patrick Finley, Pastor
First time worshiping with us?
We strive to be welcoming and to make it convenient and comfortable for you to visit our church. We want you to experience the inspirational music, encouraging messages, friendly people, and inviting atmosphere that our members enjoy each week. We hope your first experience is a welcoming experience, but we also know that your first time at a church brings up some questions. How do I get there? What should I wear? What’s available for my family?
Here is a quick look at what you can expect:

Next Steps
Do you have questions about what Lutherans believe? Do you wonder about your gifts for ministry? Want to know more about the ministry opportunities here at Christ the King? Every few months Pastor Finley leads new member / inquirer classes for those who wish to to become a member of Christ the King or want to learn more about the congregation and our varied ministries. If you have questions or would like more information, call or email the church office.
If you are interested in becoming a member or transferring your church membership, please fill out the MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION / INFORMATION FORM. Please print out the PDF of the form, fill it out, and return it to the church office.
Read about our Mission, Core Beliefs, and Values
Our Mission
Our statement of what the mission of Christ the King is in our community.
Our Core Beliefs
A brief summary of the core Christian beliefs we hold as a Lutheran church.
Our Values
The values that we hold as a congregation.