Sunday worship is joyous praise and honor given to God with thanksgiving. It is the heart of our life together as believers.

Then they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. And they stayed continually at the temple, praising God. Luke 24:52-53

Our worship is varied, rich in tradition yet contemporary and relevant. It is the natural response to God’s creative love and amazing grace given in Jesus Christ.

8:30 am Worship Service

This service is led by the singers and musicians of the SonLight Praise Band who bring energy and meaning to worship.  We follow an abbreviated contemporary liturgy, celebrate Holy Communion every week, and follow the observances of the liturgical church year.

Live streamed on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays of the month.  When live streamed, this service coverage begins at 8:25 AM, with the service starting at 8:30 AM. Links to the CTK Facebook or YouTube live streams are on the Live Stream Worship page. You can also view past of lived streamed services on this page.

11:00 am Worship Service

This service follows the more traditional Lutheran liturgy format. Our Chancel Choir, and occasionally the Instrumental Ensemble or Handbell Choir, provide special music. Holy Communion is celebrated every week at this service.

Live streamed on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month.  When live streamed, this service coverage begins at 10:55 AM, with the service starting at 11:00 AM. Links to the CTK Facebook or YouTube live streams are on the Live Stream Worship page. You can also view videos of past services on this page.


Holy Communion, offered at both worship services, is open to all baptized Christians, regardless of your denominational background. Holy Communion strengthens us for holy living, renewing our relationship with God and others. We believe in the “Real Presence” of Jesus in the bread and wine that we share. (1 Corinthians 11:23-25)

Children and unbaptized adults who have not received instruction in Holy Communion may come forward, with arms crossed, to receive a blessing.


A free, staffed nursery is provided for children through age 3. Hours: 8:15 a.m. ­to 12:15 p.m. every Sunday. The Nursery is the first room on the right in the Preschool/Education Building which is on the other side of the Fellowship Hall. (See CTK Floorplan)


Worship is for all ages, and we love children at Christ the King! Children of all ages are always encouraged to worship with their families. At the 11:00 a.m. service, Children’s Church is offered the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month in the Fellowship Hall during the sermon time where the Gospel lesson is taught to them at their level of understanding. (Parents are welcome to check this out too!) Children return to their families in the sanctuary before the celebration of the Holy Communion. Children’s Church is designed for ages pre-school through grade 3.

Special Worship Services and the Liturgical Church Year

Throughout the year we also gather for special worship services such as the observance of Holy Week, and have special programming in celebration of the Christmas season.

One of the tremendous gifts of liturgical denominations such as the Lutheran church is that we journey through the church year – experiencing the depth, breadth, and variety of life’s moments faced by Jesus our Lord. We wait for his arrival during Advent, experience his incarnational presence during Christmas, focus on his light in our world during Epiphany, prepare our hearts through repentance during Lent, receive his ultimate sacrifice through Holy Week, his ultimate victory at Easter, receive the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, and are challenged to on-­going spiritual growth throughout the season of Pentecost.

Refer to this Liturgical Church Year & Colors for an explanation of the Lutheran liturgical church year seasons and why we celebrate them with changing the colors of the paraments and banners.